What is Title IX?


“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.——1972年《最热门的网赌网址大全》第九条

Central Community College takes any complaint about sexual harassment or sexual assault very seriously. 该学院遵循美国农业部发布的所有指导方针.S. 教育部和民权办公室. 具体程序和政策见:



Pregnant and Parenting

Title IX Reporting Form


Sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual violence, sexual exploitation, intimate partner violence and stalking are violations of the 大学的民权政策和程序 and its sexual misconduct policy. 一些联邦法律法规, including Title IX, the Violence Against Women Act and the Clery Act mandate how institutions respond to such allegations. 许多类型的不当性行为也违反了内布拉斯加州的法律.

校园社区的成员,客人和访客都有权免受不当性行为的侵害. All members of the community must conduct themselves in a way that does not infringe upon the rights of others. The college’s sexual misconduct policy is intended to define expectations for appropriate conduct and outline resolution processes to address conduct that does not meet these expectations. 当被指控性行为不端的个人被发现违反了政策, 学院将对其进行严厉制裁, as noted on the What is Sexual Harassment page.

All members of the campus community, guests and visitors are protected by this policy regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. The college has jurisdiction over all acts of sexual misconduct involving members of the campus community no matter where they occur, whether on- or off-campus. 有关此政策的更多详情,请参阅 大学的民权政策和程序.

关于校园犯罪的更多信息, 与不当性行为有关的州法律和披露信息可以在网上找到 Annual Security and Fire Safety Report.



学院官员将协助报告方做出选择和获取资源. 假设报告方选择推进校园决议, 下一步是初步调查.

All resolutions will be conducted by campus officials who receive annual training on issues related to intimate partner violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. This training also includes how to conduct an investigation that protects the safety of victims and promotes accountability.

该机构将根据联邦法律保护受害者的隐私. 第九条相关决议不受公开记录保存规定的约束. Any release of information about a resolution will be accomplished without the inclusion of identifying information about the victim, to the extent permissible by law.

Preliminary Inquiry

An initial determination is made about the allegations and whether to move them forward to a formal investigation. This decision is made by the Title IX coordinator who takes into account the nature of the allegations and the reporting party’s wishes. 如果决定继续进行,协调员将指控提交给调查人员.


调查模式被用来解决指控. 训练有素的调查人员将提供及时的调查, thorough, reliable, equitable, fair and impartial. They will interview reporting and responding parties and witnesses and prepare reports with their findings and sanctioning recommendations.

Standard of Evidence

该学院采用证据优势标准. Decision makers consider whether, given the available credible evidence, 很有可能发生了违规行为.

Final Determination

将以书面形式将决议结果通知各方, 在向每一方发出通知之间没有明显延迟. 本通知将包括上诉决定的程序, any change to the results that occurs prior to the time that such results become final and when results are considered to be final.


卷入不当性行为诉讼的学生可以对判决提出上诉. 所有当事人都可以参加上诉复议,并有平等的参与权利.

About Confidentiality

To make informed choices, all parties should be aware of confidentiality and privacy issues as well as institutional mandatory reporting requirements.

Confidential Reporting

如果举报学生希望对事件的细节保密, 他们应该与校园心理健康从业者交谈 Student Assistance Program. 该服务最多可免费使用12次. Members of the clergy, chaplains and off-campus sexual assault crisis center staff can maintain confidentiality and have no duty to report your information to the college.

Mandated Reporting

All college employees who are not designated above as confidential are mandated reporters for all the details of which they are aware about an incident. 他们与第九条协调员分享这些信息. 性行为不端的事件将被学院严肃对待. Such incidents of sexual misconduct will be investigated and resolved in a prompt and equitable manner under the college’s resolution procedures, which are discussed in the college’s civil rights policies and procedures.

Incidents Involving Minors

Please be aware that institutional duties with respect to minors (those under the age of 19) may require reporting sexual misconduct incidents to state agencies and/or local law enforcement. 因此,在涉及未成年人的性行为不端事件中,不能保证保密.

Your Rights

The college strives to provide members of the campus community with fair and equitable resolution processes that include both formal and informal options.


  • Reporting parties have the right to notify law enforcement of incidents and to receive assistance from campus personnel in doing so.
  • 举报方如果愿意,可以拒绝向执法部门举报.
  • Reporting parties have the right to have their allegations investigated and resolved internally by the college.
  • All members of the campus community have the right to have reported incidents addressed according to the published college procedures.
  • All parties have equal opportunities to have a support person of their choosing or offered by the institution present throughout all resolution proceedings (including intake, interviews, etc.). 这个人可以是你的顾问、律师、家人、朋友、教员等等.
  • All parties have the right to written notice of the outcome of sexual misconduct resolution proceedings.
  • 报告方和证人将对轻微违规行为(如.g. 酗酒和吸毒),其次是性行为不端的事件.
  • 报道方、其支持者和证人有权不受报复.
  • Students and employees have a right to be notified of their ability to access counseling and health services.
  • 学生和员工有权了解校内和校外的支持资源.
  • All parties involved in sexual misconduct allegations will receive the information and assistance needed to effectively participate in all proceedings.
  • 报告方有权申请保护令, no-contact orders, 由罪犯发出的限制令或类似的合法命令, civil or tribal courts and may seek the help of campus security in requesting and/or enforcing the order.


  • All members of the campus community have the right to have reported incidents addressed according to the published college procedures.
  • All parties have equal opportunities to have a support person of their choosing or offered by the institution present throughout all resolution proceedings (including intake, interviews, etc.). 这个人可以是你的顾问、律师、家人、朋友、教员等等.
  • All parties have the right to written notice of the outcome of sexual misconduct resolution proceedings.
  • 报告方和证人将对轻微违规行为(如.g. 酗酒和吸毒),其次是性行为不端的事件.
  • 报道方、其支持者和证人有权不受报复.


  • Students and employees have a right to be notified of their ability to access counseling and health services.
  • 学生和员工有权了解校内和校外的支持资源.
  • All parties involved in sexual misconduct allegations will receive the information and assistance needed to effectively participate in all proceedings.
  • 报告方有权申请保护令, no-contact orders, 由罪犯发出的限制令或类似的合法命令, civil or tribal courts and may seek the help of campus security in requesting and/or enforcing the order.

The college may take whatever steps are deemed necessary to appropriately respond to allegations of sexual misconduct, 保护学生的权利,保护校园社区成员免受进一步伤害. 措施包括但不限于:

  • 在调查期间发出临时禁止令.
  • 向当地警方和/或检察官报告事件.
  • 指的是咨询和健康服务.
  • Referring to the Student Assistance Program.
  • Providing education to the community.
  • 改变当事人的住房情况.
  • 改变员工的工作安排.
  • Providing campus escorts.
  • Providing transportation assistance.
  • 实施当事人之间的接触限制.
  • 提供对学业截止日期、课程安排等的调整.

These measures are available regardless of whether a reporting party seeks formal resolution or makes a crime report.


Title IX Coordinator

Dr. Beth Klitz

Title IX Deputy Coordinators

Angela Davidson
Human Resources Benefits Manager

Mary Young
Deputy Coordinator for Athletics
Athletic Director

Marcie Kemnitz
Deputy Coordinator
Grand Island Campus President


Dr. Kelly Christensen

Lenore Koliha

Jerry Dunn
ELS Regional Coordinator

Jason Davis
Assoc. Dean of Extended Learning Svcs./Training

Ashley Weets

Prevention Education

Luz Colon Rodriguez

Training Materials for Title IX Team

Central Community College is committed to providing the Title IX team with annual training in the field of Title IX to ensure compliance with Title IX regulations as well as to stay up to date on best practices used in the field.  Central Community College maintains an Annual Membership with ATIXA and utilizes ATIXA trainings for all team members.

Review the training materials

如果您有任何问题或疑虑,或想要查看纸质材料, please contact Dr. Chris Waddle, Title IX Coordinator, at titleixcoordinator@daehanserver.net or 308-398-7325.