

Take the quiz to see if online learning is right for you.  

Will online learning fit your circumstances, lifestyle and educational needs? Here are some basic questions to ask yourself in deciding if an online program is right for you.

  1. Do you have a computer and internet access at home, 或者你愿意开车去最近的中心吗?  
  2. Do you feel that learning can take place without having face-to-face interaction with an instructor?
  3. Can you set aside six to 10 hours of free time a week to participate in the learning process?
  4. Do you consider yourself a highly motivated and self-disciplined person
  5. Are you proactive when facing schoolwork and deadlines?
  6. Do you feel you could communicate effectively in writing?
  7. Do you prefer to schedule and locate your own learning experiences?
  8. Do you believe that you are the one most responsible for your education?  是的
  9. Do you trust your own ability to manage and carry out the learning process?
  10. Would you have the ability to speak up and contact an instructor if a problem arises?
  11. Are you comfortable with basic computer operations, email and new technologies?
  12. Does your lifestyle (family or work schedule) make it difficult for you to attend daytime courses?

把上面的赞成票加起来, then view the ranges below to help you determine if online learning is right for you.

9 - 12+ 


5 - 8

在线学习可能适合你, but you will have to reflect on what you need to do to become a successful online learner.

0 - 4

在线学习可能不适合你. Some of the difficulties you may encounter are remaining self-disciplined, 跟上科技的步伐, and communicating with your instructors and peers through writing rather than face-to-face. 


中央在线 provides exceptional help for students. You may contact the helpdesk electronically or by phone.

When contacting the 中央在线 helpdesk, here are a few things to keep in mind. The technicians will need several items of information when answering questions. When asked, please be ready to provide the following information:

  • 你的姓和名
  • 您的CCC用户名
  • 你的七位数学号
  • The last four digits of your Social Security Number
  • 你正在上的课是利用中央网络的
  • A detailed description of the problem you're having
  • A phone number and an alternate email where you can be reached


This helpdesk has several items that are specific to students’ different needs.  它包括:

  • 密码修改工具: 允许学生更改他们的密码
  • 密码重置工具: Allows students who have forgotten their password to receive another
  • 学生帮助台: Allows students to describe the problem they are experiencing  
  • 课程申请表格副本: Allows distance learning students to access a missed class
  • 宿舍服务台: Allows students living in the dorms to submit a problem 

The electronic helpdesk also provides FAQ documents that include Account Help and Office 365 Student Install Directions.



直接: 308-398-7999
免费: 1-800-CCC-0780选项#7


  • 周一至周四:早上7:30.m. - 7:30 p.m.
  • 星期五:早上7:30.m. - 5 p.m. 

中央在线 helpdesk technicians are available to provide technical support for your online courses. For questions about course content, your first point of contact should be your instructor.


CCC’s online courses follow the same schedule as on-campus classes for beginning and end dates. Some instructors may require all work to be handed in prior to the end date of the course. This gives them time to grade work and give any feedback to their students before the course is shut off.


Online courses at CCC work as they do at most colleges and universities and are accessed through the internet. 一旦学生注册了一门课程, they are given a username and password that allows them to access the WebCentral Portal where their courses are listed. At CCC, we use Canvas as the course management system to facilitate our online courses. 学生没有在电脑上安装Canvas.


所有提供的课程都有在线展示. Some may be gradebook only courses that contain the gradebook, 教学大纲, 课程公告和出勤工具. Others may contain quizzes, assignments and informational sheets. It depends on the type of class in which the student enrolls. 如果你不确定以哪种模式注册, please contact your advisor or the Registrar’s Office.


  • 在线Instructor-paced: 你必须在课上规定的期限内完成.
  • 在线自学: You can work at your own pace to have the course completed by the end of the term.
  • 混合: You complete the majority of work online but you may have to come to a campus or center for one or more meetings or to take a proctored test. You are responsible for securing the service of a proctor.
  • 校内讲座课程: These are traditional face-to-face courses, but you may use Canvas for course work.
Do I Need to Come to the CCC Campus to Complete Work for an Online Course?

Most online courses don’t require you to come to campus. 有些课程被认为是“混合课程”," which means sometime during the semester you will be required to physically be at a pre-determined location. That location could be a main campus to do hands-on work or a learning center to take proctored exams.


Online courses are normally broken down into topics to lead you through your assigned work. These assignments may include reading chapter information, 回答论坛问题, 下载/上传作业, 做测验和看视频.

How do Online Courses Compare to Face-to-Face Courses?

Online courses have the same academic rigor as a face-to-face courses and are held to the same academic standards.

The content will be similar if not identical and include assignments, 演讲, 讨论, 项目和测试. The course materials will often be reworked for online delivery, but the content remains the same. College transcripts make no distinction whether a particular course was completed online or face-to-face. 

The difficulty level of the course work is intended to be the same. 做实现, 虽然, that you do not have the "imposed discipline" that accompanies a face-to-face course that meets at a specific time in a specific place. Al虽然 most online courses follow a schedule and have a due date, an extra measure of self-discipline is required to be successful.


Assignment deadlines exist for a good reason; however, 就像面对面的课程一样, things come up that may prevent you from completing an assignment on time. 如果你发现自己处于这种情况, 一般来说,请与您的指导老师联系, instructors are very understanding if you explain the situation, but It is up to them whether to grant additional time to get work in and if it will affect your grade.


It is the student’s responsibility to ensure they have a computer system that meets or exceeds the minimum hardware and software specifications to participate in an online course. Note that the minimum specifications may result in slow access speeds and lead to some frustration.

Computer hardware and software requirements for CCC Online

A laptop or desktop computer running Windows version 7 or higher or Apple Mac OS 10.6 or higher is recommended for taking online courses at 中央社区学院.

平板电脑, 可以使用智能手机和其他移动设备, but not all features of the CCC site are guaranteed to work with these devices. Please make sure you have a computer with a Windows or Mac operating system to complete your coursework.


浏览器 最低版本 推荐版本
谷歌Chrome 30.0 最新的
Mozilla 火狐 25.0 最新的
苹果Safari 6 最新的
微软Internet Explorer浏览器 9 最新的




Adobe Flash插件

Some classes may require additional software to be installed.



  • A basic knowledge of how to work with their computer and its operating system.
  • A basic knowledge of software applications such as word processors, 电子邮件应用程序, 互联网浏览器和在线搜索引擎.

NOTE: It is the student’s responsibility to seek out technical assistance as needed from a local resource person. CCC cannot provide assistance on how to work with your computer and/or its programs.


是的. All students may take a free Canvas training workshop to help them become familiar with the online tools and activities that are commonly used in many of our online courses. Canvas contains the tools you will use to access course materials, 提交作业, 参加小测验和测试, communicate with other course participants and get your grades.

学生 may choose to attend the orientation workshop at a CCC campus or center or sign up for an online webinars. 有关所有CCC方向的详细列表: 


Do I have to be Online at a Certain Time Every Day?

CCC online courses are offered in an asynchronous format, which means students and instructors do not have to access their course at a specific time each day but rather work at the times most convenient to them. 学生 have 24-hour access to their online course and are encouraged to log in daily to see if any new announcements have been posted by the instructor or fellow classmates. 在大多数在线课程中, it is extremely important that students participate in the course several times per week. Specific requirements for participation will be laid out by your instructor.


  • 制定并保持一致的学习计划.
  • Make sure to note all due dates for each class for which you are registered.
  • Plan on submitting assignments and quizzes earlier than the date and time indicated. This gives you time to troubleshoot any issues you may have with the technology before the deadline.
Do I Need to Purchase Textbooks for an Online Course?

Many online courses use the same textbook as in the face-to-face version of the course. To find the needed textbooks, go to WebCentral and choose the My Services Tab. 在搜索类/注册菜单中, 点击我的课程表, 输入所需的期限, 然后提交. Choose a class in your schedule list and submit again. At the bottom of the page you’ll find the Textbook Information.


Online students have access to CCC’s library resources. They can find the link to these resources at the top of their course page in the green bar.