Standards of Academic Progress (SAP)

中央社区学院被要求建立最低的学术标准,学生必须达到这些标准才能保持获得联邦奖学金的资格, state, and institutional aid, including but not limited to grants, federal work study, student loans, and institutional scholarships. 我们需要监督所有接受经济援助的学生的进度,以确保继续遵守政策. 

The following components are measured to determine whether the student is meeting SAP standards:  Cumulative GPA, Pace Requirement (percentage of completion), and Maximum Time Frame. 

Grade Point Average

A student must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0.

Pace Requirement

A student must maintain completion rate of 67% or higher.

SAP政策的这一部分是衡量学生必须通过他或她的学习计划取得进展的速度,以确保在允许的最大时间框架内完成,并在每个学期结束时对学生的进展进行衡量. 学习进度是通过确定学生成功完成的累计学时数除以学生尝试的累计学时数来计算的. 尝试学分包括除基础课程和某些证书选项外的任何课程. Credit hours transferred in from another institution are included in both attempted and completed credits. (In order to discount any transfer credits, 学位审核需要由学生的顾问提供给财务援助办公室,说明有多少学分被用于当前的学习项目.) Successfully completed credit hours include all grades between an A and a D-. Credit hours that will not count as successfully completed include letter grades of F (Fail) or I (incomplete), D (drop) or W (Withdrawal). 标题四基金可以支付以前在一个项目中重复学习的课程,只要它不是多次重复以前通过的课程的结果.  当一个学生在数学上不可能在课程长度的150%内完成他/她的课程时,他/她就不符合资格.

Maximum Time Frame (rate of program completion)

Students are expected to complete their program of study within a reasonable time period. 学生的MTF是基于在CCC尝试的总学时加上其学习计划接受的任何转换学分. 无论学生是否获得了所有或任何学分的联邦资助,这些限制都必须适用.

Students are eligible to receive aid for up to 150% of the published number of credit hours for a program of study. Example: If a program of study requires 64 credit hours to graduate, the maximum credit limit a student can take and receive financial aid would be 96 (64 x 150%). All credit hours attempted are counted toward MTF, 除了基础课程和短期证书选项,包括但不限于LPN认证(LPN- c)和卡车驾驶.

At the end of each semester, 将计算尝试的总学时数,以查看学生是否已达到课程的最大学时数. This includes credit hours attempted in semesters where aid was not received, credit hours attempted prior to a change in a program of study, and credit hours transferred from another institution toward the program of study. Students who change majors should contact the financial aid office to find out how this affects their MTF. Also, students approaching or having reached maximum time frame have the right to file an appeal to request an extension. 

Explanation of Statuses

Financial Aid Warning: 在付款期结束时,未能满足上述一项或多项SAP措施的学生将被授予经济援助警告状态. During a warning semester, the student may still receive financial aid. The student’s future financial aid eligibility is dependent upon how well the student does during the warning term. If the student completes the warning semester and now has a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher and an overall 67% or above completion ratio, the student will be removed from financial aid warning status and restored to good standing. If, however, the student again fails to meet one or both requirements, the student will be placed on financial aid suspension.

*Please note: The Financial Aid Warning period does not apply to students failing or withdrawing 100% of their coursework in a term. In the event of a 100% non-completion, students will be placed directly on financial aid suspension. 

Suspension: 在警告学期结束时,如果学生未能达到学业进步要求的学术标准,学生将被暂停资助. This means losing eligibility for grants, federal work study, student loans, and institutional scholarships. 在一个学期内没有成功完成任何课程的学生将自动被停学,除非他们在CCC的总体完成率仍然达到67%的要求,并且他们的累积GPA达到或超过2.0. 

Regaining Eligibility


Appeals: A student may appeal their financial aid suspension if extenuating circumstances (death of a family member, injury or illness of the student, or other special circumstances) exist. Appeal forms are available at any CCC financial aid office and must include supporting documentation of the circumstances. In the appeal request the student must provide information regarding why he/she failed to meet the SAP requirements, 学生的情况发生了什么变化,使他们在下一次评估中表现出令人满意的学业进步. If a student’s appeal is granted, he or she will be placed on Financial Aid Probation. A student on probation may receive aid for one payment period. At that point, 由于上诉程序,学生必须符合CCC的学术进步标准或以学生个人为基础建立的学术计划的要求. Denied appeals may be directed to the Area Director of Student Financial Aid Services.

Appeal form Suspension

Appeal form Max Time Frame

Additional Information

Registration Status: The student’s official registration status for financial aid purposes is locked in at the end of the 100% refund period. 对于在开学第一天开始上课的学生来说,这个普查日期是在秋季学期和春季学期的第十个上课日之后. The college catalog details census date information for students with late start dates. The 100% refund period will most likely be different for summer coursework.  Check with the financial aid office if you have questions about how your summer aid award will be determined.

Return of Federal Funds: 获得联邦财政援助但未能完成任何课程的学生将受到联邦资金返还计算的影响,并可能被要求偿还部分已获得的援助. 正在考虑取消整个课程的学生应该首先与经济援助办公室核实,以了解在还款和未来经济援助资格方面的后果.

Foundations Education Coursework: (Sometimes referred to as developmental or remedial coursework.)  Students may receive financial aid for a maximum of 30 credits of foundations education coursework.

Incompletes: 不完整的成绩在成绩单上被视为“F”,直到他们在适当的时间内成功完成. The financial aid status will be reviewed when the course has been completed and the grade is changed.

Additional Degree: If a student has completed one program of study, he/she may qualify for federal, state or institutional aid for one additional qualifying program of study. The student will be required to meet with the aid office for a credit evaluation to determine eligibility.

Withdrawals: Students withdrawing all coursework during a semester will be placed on financial aid suspension, with the right to file an appeal. 唯一的例外是当学生在CCC成功完成了足够的课程,仍然满足67%的总体完成要求和2.0 minimum cumulative grade point average.

Evaluation Time Frame: All aid recipients will have their standards of academic progress evaluated at the end of each term of enrollment. Students placed on warning, probation, or suspension will be notified of their status via regular U.S. mail.  It is the responsibility of the student to keep their address updated with the college.

Repeated coursework:  联邦法规指出,经济援助可以支付给以前在项目中重复学习的课程,但不能包括多次重复学习以前通过的课程. The best grade is included in the SAP evaluation.

Transfer hours:  学生学习计划接受的转学学时将在SAP计算中计入尝试和完成的学分,并计入最大时间框架.